Thursday, June 3, 2010


well folks... time is ticking away. we are down the the 1 month mark. the day is really coming. i am about to make the woman of my dreams my wife and i couldn't be happier or more excited for this event to take place. this will be one of the most important things i do in life and i can't believe it is finally here. ok... well not quite yet.. but almost. let me just tell you about the woman i am to marry.

Her name is Paige Nicole White and she was born on December 8th, 1988. She grew up mostly in St. George but moved her just before her ninth grade year. We meet the summer between our sophomore and junior year of high school and she began to demonstrate many of the attributes that i now know was why i was so attracted to her. she is a very intelligent person (very opposite of me this is true, that's why i need her by my side. ;) she is very loving and selfless. in fact, while i was away on my mission she took a whole semester off of school and spent a couple months in Chile working in an orphanage. she is incredible. she completes me in ways that i am still figuring out. for example... she is very good with details when i am very much a "get'r'done quick and good enough to pass" kind of guy. she keeps me on my toes and makes me pay attention to some detail, and if i miss some, she picks it up. perfect. right? she is very giving and is good at compromising, but also doesn't give in too easily if she wants something. My bride-to-be is obviously very pretty and gentle on the eyes. very pretty blue eyes with thick, dark, curly hair. (im a sucker for curly) I could go on and on but i wont. suffice it to say, i love her... with all that i am. i am meant to be with her, i just know it. i also know that God had to have SOMETHING to do with all this cause there is no way i could of landed one like her on my own. Life, even though stressful at times, will be so much better going through it with her. the end.
--Colton out

Thursday, May 27, 2010

One Hit Wonder.... SWEET!

I saw this late last night and thought it was... interesting... to say the least. enjoy! :D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Growing Pains (Thanks Phe... ;)

By popular demand I have returned to my blog and posted yet another blurb about my take on the flavor of life.

I have found that there is one incredible aspect of life that is undeniably the most pleasant and painful concept known to man. It's times like these that we learn from our mistakes and gain extremely useful knowledge and life skills. Progression is often described as "bitter-sweet" because as we grow up we are forced to leave our comfortable environment and enter into a new frontier. By progression I mean the concept of growing up, getting older, moving on, taking on new challenges and learning new skills.

From my experience, these changes in our life are often scary and at times even unwanted. however, I have found that they are always beneficial in one way or another. In my life I have had a few of these "life changes experiences" one right after another. I have been growing up lately and its been happening fast.

I left on my mission in November of 2007 and I was in for the ride of my life. I was on my own in a foreign country learning how to get along with people and do my job. I was also expected to learn another language (something I have never even attempted to do before). It was easily the hardest thing I have yet done but also the most rewarding. I grew up in ways beyond explanation. I learned to love, study, support, and think for myself. I learned to micromanage different aspects of my own life from finances to love to my spiritual progression. These lessons are priceless and will be applicable for the duration of my life and further, through the lessons I will teach my children and will be carried on through them.

Now, I have been home just over six months and I am still growing up. I am still making mistakes and learning. I am currently engaged to be married on the 2nd of July, 2010 and I hope I can explain my feelings about this without making it sound like I am not excited. I am so very excited. I have been lucky enough to have won the heart of the love of my life. Paige and I have been through many of these experiences of which I have spoken in this post but, as with each and every one of us and our personal stories, these experiences have made us stronger. As the wedding draws nearer, I am slowly realizing the amount of "growing up" that will be required of me once I have a beautiful wife at my side. This scares me. I know I will be able to do it and that I will learn a great deal but that fear still looms.

The moral of this post is simple. When life gives you lemons... Make lemonade. Look for the good in every situation cause it always exists, I promise. And when you wouldn't catogorize something as a lemon (like my wedding), be excited and confidant that you can accomplish the task before you. keep your knees down and your chin up. all will be well.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last Week of School!

Well, here it goes... the last week of my first semester at college. I feel pretty good about most of my classes except math and bio. if i pass them with a "C" ill be pretty stoked.

I have a very busy week or two coming up but the most exciting thing that is going to happen is... you ready for this... Paige is moving home!!!!!!!! ya, it may seem trivial, but it will be so nice having her only a 7 min drive from my front door to hers again. although this might make it alittle harder to finish strong on the semester but lets face it, its been hard to do that since she said "duh... of course!" ;)

i really have no idea what i am supposed to write on this blog thingy still but i felt like writing something, somewhere, so i choose here. so i will just keep writing...

we finally choose a temple... Draper! :D i am pretty excited. everytime i pass it now i say to myself, "that's going to be 'our temple' and i can't wait."

i got the moped out today and was super excited about it. no, i mean WAY excited... i finally convinced Paige to ride on it with me only to discover... it had a flat tire... so i parked it and need to fix it this week... i was so super sad. (still am kind of sad.)

my parents have been out of town and i have been spending a lot of time with Paige's family and im loving it. went to rugby game, ate some sweet hamburgers... talked a good amount of wedding, looked at pictures, played Wii and Foosball, watched movies... just had an overall good time.

i really am enjoying life right now... for the most part. there still are, and always will be, the little stresses in life. You know... the ones that you feel like you should be able to control but then you are presented with them and you react differently then you had imagined. You then begin to question how you reacted and what you can do to remedy the situation, if its even salvageable. A few of these sources of inpredicted stress are (but not limited too:) School... end of year projects and finals. Work... Do i take a second job this summer even if i will be irritable and tired all summer long while taking a couple classes too? just stuff like that. life is like a box of chocolates... full of great flavors that often times catch you off guard. well, i feel like this is it for this post. have a super and a happy... and till next time (which, with my track record could be a month or two)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Current Flavor... excited stress.

ok... so again. I, Colton H Mathews, am making a blog post. I'm still not 100% sure what exactally i am supposed to blog about so i am just going to write about this weekend.

It has been a very great weekend. I got to see Paige a lot, that was what made it so great. We did a few fun things together. lets see here...

Friday night we went to a wedding reception that was quite fun. I was able to see all of Paige's family again and that is always fun. Uncle Gary and Garth were both present and they made sure i knew it. I really kind of like them though, they seem to have a sense of humor very similer to my own. the wedding also provided us with some great idea's for our own wedding. awesome candy scoops. :D plus there was pie, now who doesn't enjoy a good slice of marie calender's lemon meringue pie? i know i do. :D after the wedding, The Blindside... that movie will never get old. Sandra Bullock is incredible in it.

Saturday, was a special day, a day to get ready for Sunday... and also go to the festival of colors in Spanish Fork. oh what a great time. as you can see in the photo we went all out with no regard for ourselves.... no really. im still pullin pink out of my ears and sneezing purple. it was pretty insane. i would tell you the story of this wonderous party of colors and stupid people but i dont really understand it myself. i do get that it was supposed to be a celebration of peace and love. they kept asking us to hug the people around us... we just hugged eachother. There were a bunch of weird people dancing and singing and they burned a witch... or just an effigy of one. then they counted reallly slowly down from 20 and on twenty a huge cloud of colored chalk arose from the crowd and just about suffocated us. it was quite entertaing. :D that made for a wonderful day of fun and games. then in the evening... we ate hamburgers and played boom blox. a sweet game for wii that is surprisingly entertaining. :P ps... ignore Paige's funky chin in the picture... my camera moved, dont judge.!

Sunday, well another great sabbath day where i was blessed to be able to attend the Lords house with Paige. i love going to church with her. it just feels right. we were in a parenting class and i raised my hand and made a comment. ya, i even shocked myself. but i felt it was a good one. they were discussing rather or not parents should force their kids to go to church. i think they should and i compared it to parents forcing their children to eat their vegetables. parents are entrusted with the nourishment and well being of their children and must make it their personal responsibility to make sure they are well cared for rather it be physically or spiritually... we make them eat the right foods, we should make them go to church. equally essential on two different levels of nourishment. afterwords we took a nap... wait... no.... Paige took a nap. we then preceded to go to my sisters house for a pretty awesome BBQ with my whole family. i like my family, they are pretty cool. we then parted ways to begin another long, busy week.

question... are weddings supposed to be stressful to plan? im not complaining because im enjoying it but its stressing us both out and i feel like it is unnecessary. I just want to make her happy... really. thats what im all about, but i am finding it difficult to do so with certain others that shall remain unnamed breathing down both of our necks. these other people also deserve to be pleased to a certain degree but they do not agree with each other or with us on how things should be and on what is and isnt normal. i just want my fiancee' to be pleased. im not a people pleaser, im a Paige pleaser. these certain individuals however are neither a paige pleaser or a colton pleaser. blah... this is turning into an unintentional vent fest. sorry, ill stop here. just know that i am unhappy because i know she is unhappy. wait... unhappy i feel is the wrong word, i think we are both VERY happy and thrilled cause we are getting married... but stressed about current situations and circumstances. who do we listen to? one side has done tons of weddings and says this is normal and the other has done tons of weddings and says that is normal? where does the truth lie? this and much much more on the next edition of... lifes a box of chocolates.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well... I broke, I created a blog. I'm almost a little embarrassed to have done it. I'm not even sure why I did it, I don't know what I am even supposed to write about.

Let us start by explaining the title of my blog (as if it needs explaining.) As the famous line from Tom Hanks goes, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get." I am in raging agreement with this statment and would like to even expound on it. An expensive box of chocolates is usually full of surprises. There are some that are good, some that are simply bliss, and other pieces of the box of chocolates that are comparable to Bertie Botts every flavor bean's vomit flavor. Well, another interesting thought is how a piece of chocolate never goes to waste. no matter how gross, every piece of chocolate in the box will get eaten. As in life we experience all the different flavors, and sooner or later we must experience them all. With my little knowledge of what a blog exactly is, I figure, from reading others, that this is where I explain what flavors I am currently tasting in life. correct me if I'm wrong.

So current taste... joy?

excuse the question mark, its just kinda came out. I am engaged, I'm super happy. I get to marry my best friend. She said, "Duh! of course!" I think that is even better then a yes. :D

School is kicking my butt because I'm having a terribl time concentrating with everything else going on around.

Well, not sure what I'm supposed to say or if I need to add anything more. I think ill just end it here.